Find out why you should buy a property in Italy right now!

Buying a property in Central Italy is only a source of pride: from there are civilizations, but also poets, writers, scientists famous all over the world that have made ​​Tuscany, Lazio and Umbria the birthplace of the culture of most of the present Europe, affecting significantly both the old and the new continents.

To date, many foreigners are attracted by the Italian way of life, by the beautiful landscapes that i.e. surround the countryside of the Val D’Orcia, or by the ordered fields covered with green forests of Umbria, but also from medieval towns that still retain their charm and their history, without considering the artistic and architectural treasures they conceal.


Since at this time the purchase of a house or a villa in Italy is an excellent investment (with prices that have fallen by 25% since 2008, but which is expected to recover by the beginning of 2014, with a gradual return to the original value of the property) it is even more if such purchase will be made ​​in areas of value, and especially if you plan to buy luxury villas, country houses renovated or to renovate with land and close to the main cities.


Then what are the advantages of purchasing a fine property in the Central Italy to date, especially if they are old farmstead or country houses with its own land? Here are the main ones:
• they will be easy to reach it in an hour, an hour and a half maximum, from the main airports, via railways, expressways and highways;
Dream landscapes, envied around the world;
art and culture cities at short distances;
• healthy environments and unpolluted areas;
• healthy and high quality foods and wines;
lower prices than ever;
• ability to raise your own animals;
• possibility to discover the local folklore;
• chance to experience and enjoy the real Italian Dolce Vita.